A firm has an unrecorded investment of Rs 5,000 Entry in the firm’s journal on the admission of a partner will __________. A. Revaluation A c Dr. 5,000 to unrecorded investment A C 5,000. B. Unrecorded investment A c Dr. 5,000. C. Partner’s capital A

The value of the assets is determined by a competent person, such as an accountant or appraiser. The value may be based on the original cost of the asset, its…

Продолжить чтениеA firm has an unrecorded investment of Rs 5,000 Entry in the firm’s journal on the admission of a partner will __________. A. Revaluation A c Dr. 5,000 to unrecorded investment A C 5,000. B. Unrecorded investment A c Dr. 5,000. C. Partner’s capital A